Monday, June 6, 2011

Pancake Failure & Other Kitchen Disasters

First I'm gonna brag a bit and it's totally ok because I'm going to follow it up with an embarrassing confession. So the bragging. I'm a pretty good cook, some would say very good. I can pull off quite a few very complicated dishes, backtrack a recipe just from taste, and have been known to even create a few winner recipes of my own. All in all, quite proficient in the kitchen.

And now for the embarrassing part-for as good as I can be in the kitchen, there is still a really basic dish that eludes me. Pancakes. And I know all you pancake pros are out there laughing at me from behind your griddles, and it's ok. I will sit here and wait, hanging my head in shame, as you get over your giggle fit. Try as I might, I can never get those light, fluffy wonderous delights they serve at IHOP or Perkins. It's sad really-belly bombs every time....

Ok so why am I telling you this and subjecting myself to merciless ridicule? Simple-one of my goals for this blog is for it to be interactive. I plan on posting recipes I like-ones I have tried and ones I want to try. I want to try and decode them from menu descriptions & pictures as well. Hopefully you'll join me and try out some of these dishes on your own. But let's face it-not every kitchen endeavour is a successful one. Sure I could sit here telling you how every thing I have every made was a culinary masterpiece, deserving of being served to royalty-but then I'd be a big, fat fibber. I've had some real bombs. Mishaps my dogs wouldn't eat. And I hate wasting food-so barring food that is harmful to them-yeah I've tried to pass it off on them and the little traitors wouldn't even help me out.

So here it is-my promise to you dear readers. No matter what the out come, for good or bad I will honestly post all results from all attempts to recreate/create/decode, any recipe I post on this blog. So committed to this level of full disclosure, I am starting a section just for my failures/disasters. And I'll be honest, my ego & I are really hoping this is a very small section, but only time will tell that. But I will give myself one chance at redemption. If I can learn from my failure and pull off the recipe successfully the second time-then I get to move the recipe to a success file (yet to be given a clever name). So here's to failing miserably & learning from your mistakes-but always being honest about it.

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